Progress and Innovation is due on Monday. You can hand it in physically or share it digitally in a shared folder. I'll show you on Monday where the folder is.
The checklist for self or peer assessment is shared with you on Google Drive.
We've been practicing finding the surface area of a variety of shapes. You should have 2 worksheets, one with a variety of prisms, and one with just cylinders. You need to complete both sheets and have them glued or stapled into your yellow journal sometime next week.
Remember the learning intentions for Shape and Space in Grade 8 include:
- I can explain what volume and surface area mean and what units we use to measure them
- I can find the volume of right triangular prisms and cylinders
- I can find the surface area of right rectangular prisms, right triangular prisms, and cylinders.
Below is a visual that we created to find the surface area of a right triangular prism.
Next week we will set a due date for the Spark art project, as well as when we'll be having a surface area and volume check in (both will likely be the week after next).
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday

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