Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Squares/Roots/Pythagorean Theorem Independent Assessment

Next Tuesday we will be doing a check in for all the work that we've done so far with roots, squares and the Pythagorean theorem.

This check in will just one piece of your overall mark, but will help give you a sense of what you understand and what you need to practice.

Here is the checklist of learning intentions for this topic:

I can Explain what an exponent is

I can explain what a square root is using a visual (array)

I can Identify numbers that are perfect squares to 200

I can Calculate the square of one and two digit numbers in my head or on paper (no calculator)

I can  Calculate the square of any number with a calculator

I can Find the square root of perfect squares (without a calculator to 200, with a calculator beyond 200)

I can estimate the square root of non-perfect square
  •  Determine which whole numbers it is between
  •   Determine which whole number it is closest to
  • Provide a reasonable estimate to 1 decimal place with reasoning.

I can use visuals to explain the relationship between the 3 sides of a right angled triangle

When given ANY 2 sides of a right triangle I calculate the 3rd side, and estimate its length.
  • This includes calculating the opposite or adjacent side when I know the hypotenuse.
  •  I can do this without a calculator with side lengths to 15 and with a calculator for any number. 

I can solve problems by applying the pythagorean theorem.

I can use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine if a triangle is a right angled triangle or not.

Here is a video that might help review some key ideas:


If you want some practice try these things:

I'd be happy to check over your work to see if you're on the right track.

- Choose a number between 1 and a hundred - can you square it?
- Choose a number between 1 and 200 - can you estimate it's square root with an explanation?
- Draw a right angled triangle.  Choose 2 side lengths and calculate the third.  Make sure to try some where you know the hypotenuse and need to calculate the opposite or adjacent.
- Draw a triangle and choose the lengths of the 3 side lengths.  Is it a right triangle?  How do you know?
- Can you make your own word problem that includes the Pythagorean Theorem.

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