Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Pythagorean Theorem

We've been exploring the relationships between the sides of a right angled triangle, and discovered that if we create squares using each of the 3 sides, the two smaller squares will always add up or exactly equal the size of the third square.

This is the the Pythagorean Theorem, and we're spending time applying and practicing this relationship.

The learning intentions for this topic are:

  • I can use visuals to explain the relationship between the 3 sides of a right angled triangle

  • When given ANY 2 sides of a right triangle I calculate the 3rd side, and estimate its length. 
  • This includes calculating the opposite or adjacent side when I know the hypotenuse.
  • I can do this without a calculator with side lengths to 15 and with a calculator for any number. 

You need to complete the garden problems in your book. That includes drawing 5 triangles that have an opposite side of 7m, and finding the largest area triangle you can make that have a hypotenuse of 13m.

Here's a couple videos we watched

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