This week we've spent some time reviewing a couple of common misunderstandings that occurred in our space and shape check in.
Can you explain what is wrong with the nets for the shapes below? How would you fix them?
There will be an opportunity for a short check in when we return from Winter break that focuses on calculating surface area and volume of right rectangular and triangular prisms.
A key part of our work with the Mix and Flow of matter, a study of liquids and chemistry, is understanding the Particle Theory of Matter, and how this theory impacts a liquids properties.
We're currently developing our understanding of this essential theory, by trying to increase the buoyancy of water, and explaining our strategy at a particle level.
Here are some resources to help understand the theory:
Last week students completed a check as one way to assess their understanding of calculating Surface Area and Volume. These check ins were handed back to students today. They should bring them home to share with a responsible adult. It's a great time to look at strengths, and next steps for learning.
When analyzing something like a check in it's important to think about why mistakes were made, as this helps us determine how to avoid mistakes in the future.
Were the mistakes due to a lack of understanding? Were they simple mistakes that might have been fixed with a check over? Were they due to anxiety or stress connected to the check in?
One common mistake that arose for multiple students was accurately drawing nets for triangular prisms and rectangular prisms, this led to miscalculations for questions involving surface area. We will be reviewing this mistake in class and some students may choose to take another shorter check in to show their growth in understanding about these types of mistakes.
It's going to be a busy couple of weeks as we race towards Winter Break.
Few updates:
We've used visual patterns as an entry to exploring algebra, equations, and solving for the unknown. The previous post had two links to work we've been doing, I understand they are not working correctly.
Both documents are shared with students and can be accessed through google drive.
We also had a check in for our work with volume and surface area. These should be returned to students tomorrow. Please check with you child and review what they did well, and what they need to keep working on. As a class we'll continue to explore how we can accurately set up nets to understand surface area.
We have shifted our focus to the Mix and Flow of Matter, with a beginning focus on solubility and mixtures. Students have been creating their own lab report that explore a relationship connected to solubility. We will be using these first draft lab reports as a stepping stone to create specific, well organized, precise lab reports.
In order to understand the key vocabulary and concepts for this topic we created class Wiki's where students shared definitions of key words. This document is shared in Google Drive, and is meant to be a study guide and reference tool students can use to develop an understanding of key vocabulary. It is worth spending some time at home reviewing the Wiki to ensure students understand key vocabulary words.
Check out the video we used to start our exploration of different types of mixtures:
Yesterday students received their rubric for Progress and Innovation. This a good opportunity to share the project, the feedback, and discuss areas of strength, and next steps for learning.